Ľudovít Ódor 

Short bio

Born on July 2, 1976
From Veľké Kosihy, Slovakia 
Studied mathematics and management

Fun fact

He was the first Slovak Prime Minister from the ethnic Hungarian minority in Slovakia.

" Our partners in the EU need to see that there are forces in Slovakia that disagree with the current direction of the country. Slovakia should have real representation of which we can be proud. Economic issues such as the future set-up of the eurozone, fiscal responsibility and competitiveness cannot be divided into a national and European levels; we will share all problems and successes."

The road so far..

Lead Candidate for the European Parliament


 Prime Minister of Slovakia


Vice-governor of the National Bank of Slovakia


Vice-chairman of the European Union's Network of Independent Fiscal Institutions


Board member of the National Bank of Slovakia and Prime Minister Iveta Radičová's adviser


Chief economist of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic


Analyst for Československá Obchodní Banka

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